Perfect grilled hanger steak


1.5 lb hanger steak (grass fed, organic, humanely raised) 

1/3 c olive oil

1/3 c tamari

1/3 c chili sauce or sriracha (I prefer Wynn’s Kitchen chili sauce)

Black pepper 


I’m a small bowl combine oil, tamari and chili sauce. Place the steak in the marinade and refrigerate for 2-4 hours.

When ready to grill, remove from refrigerator and set on the counter for 30 minutes. 

Preheat grill on high for 10 min. Sprinkle both sides with pepper. 

Grill 5 minutes per side for rare. 7 minutes per side for medium. Use thermometer to get the most accurate doneness. Rare = 125 degrees. Medium = 145 degrees. 

Remove from grill and allow to rest for 5 minutes.

slice and serve.


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