Pasta Fitchick Style


This is amazing!
1/2 package of Gluten free spaghetti - boiled per package instructions (Delallo is the best).
1 bunch of asparagus. Washed with ends cut.
1 small container of kalamata olives pitted.
1/4 cup shaved Parmesan cheese.
4 basil leaves chopped.
2 tbsp olive oil.
Himalayan sea salt.

Grilled asparagus:
Preheat grill to high heat.
Fold a large piece of foil in half turning all sides up. This will keep asparagus from sliding off.
Lay asparagus in a single layer into foil.
Drizzle with remaining olive oil.
Sprinkle generously with salt.
Grill approx 4 minutes - turning halfway thru. Asparagus should be firm and bright green.
Chop into 2-3 inch pieces.
Drain boiled pasta and drizzle with 1 tbsp of olive oil. Gluten free pasta is very delicate. This will keep it from sticking together.

Toss all ingredients in a large bowl and eat it!!!!

Add grilled chicken:
Add grilled shrimp:

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